Many of you are probably wondering why it is taking so long to fill your order.
The past few years have been especially difficult. Unfortunately, the rough times are far from over. Sadly, many bullet businesses have been forced to close their doors. If this trend continues, it will allow for the creation of monopolies in the industry and mean higher prices for everyone. Competition keeps prices fair! People across the country have had to tighten their belts just to put food on the table. Less money in people’s pockets equals less bullet sales. This decrease in sales, combined with the skyrocketing cost of raw materials, created a bleak outlook for businesses and customers alike. Bayou Bullets would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our loyal customers for generously supporting us through these difficult times.
Depressed sales left us on a shoe string budget heading into Black Friday. Dennis, the owner, had a health scare that forced him not to work steadily for several weeks throughout the historically busy holiday season. His presence was greatly missed. But in our continued efforts to remain solvent, we had to cut expenses everywhere possible, which included significant staff reductions. While we feel blessed that many took advantage of our annual holiday sales prices, the sudden volume of sales combined with being short staffed created a perfect storm that has directly led to our current backlog. The good news is that we are still in business! The bad news is that, because of our perceived relationship with the firearms industry, banks will not loan us money to procure the staff necessary to meet that demand in a timely manner. This results in being totally dependent on customer sales to maintain daily operations.
Thank you all for being patient! We feel blessed to have Dennis back at work full-time and are finally making some headway. We are working days, nights and weekends to reduce our backlog. All personnel are diligently working on the production floor and/or shipping. We apologize but we are not in a position to answer every phone call and simply don’t have the resources necessary to constantly monitor email. If no one answers the phone, please just try again at another time. The more time we have to cast, coat, and size product, the quicker orders will ship.
Rest assured, all orders are being filled as quickly as possible in the order with which they are received. Thank you for your patience, understanding, patronage and continued support.
If you can afford it, please throw us a bone and order today! If you cancel an order, please take the time to think about our current circumstances before posting negative comments to social media. We can assure you that this situation is definitely not the norm. Though we cannot control the prices of other loading components, together we can keep bullets affordable and widely available.
Thanks again and stay safe,
Dennis, Charlotte and all of our kind friends that occasionally lend a helping hand