.40 S&W/10mm 165 Gr. TC - Sized to .401 (Typical). Other sizes available upon request call or email for options.
By popular demand Bayou Bullets offers a 165 gr TC grooveless bullet.
No grease groove to interfere with seating depth for those shooters who want or need to load long for improved reliability in their favorite pistol.
100 Count Sample Pack
I got the last order #38104 but I've not yet been able to load any. I'm having problems with my primer application and I'm trying to be patient waiting to hear from RCBS. I managed to prime 65 rounds this evening Tommorow I can load them 65 with your 165 gr bullets . Should be OK after that. Steve Sroka on 4th Nov 2020
After purchasing a Ruger SR1911 10 mm I wanted to try a mix of coated and jacket bullets. I loaded 50 of each and headed to the range. Being a new pistol and me being old school I still believe in a break in period. The coated bullets at 25 yards were as good as the plated bullets.
Two inch groups at 25 yards. These coated bullets are awesome.
Thank you Bayou Bullets, you made a believer out of me. Freddie 12-4-2017 on 4th Dec 2017
First time to try coated boolits of any kind, but I like em. Easy to load, as accurate as I am, no smoke, and a couple of patches cleans the barrel, and priced right. Can't beat em. Bob on 23rd May 2017
I have had the opportunity to reload and range test these boolits. I reloaded 200 rounds 40 cal. with 4.7 gr. Hodgdon Titegroup,165 gr. boolit and federal small pistol primers. The results are wonderful, flawless performance, I'm talking zero failure to feed , zero failure to fire, zero barrel leading. I am impressed and hooked on Bayou Bullets. I shoot a S&W M&P SHIELD 40, stock barrel, factory mags. This was my first time using coated bullets at .401 I've been reloading with .400 copper plate and FMJ this whole time, and I'll tell ya no more. I am definitely sticking with Bayou Bullets !!!!! Oh Ya forgot to mention the prices are super reasonable . GET YOU SOME !!! David Medina on 7th Jan 2017
I shot 50 of these in a Ruger SR40C & S&W Shield with no issues. They fed well & were as accurate as any other bullet I've tried in either one. The quality seemed good, as was the proce. I'll be ordering more of these, as I shoot up the other bullets I've already loaded. Unknown on 1st May 2015
Bought these to compare feeding with the LSWC. Both worked just fine. These TCG load, feed and fire flawlessly. The shape gives you flexibility on the OAL as advertised, and rides right up the steep feed ramp on my FNX-40 every time. Reliable bullets, great value and outstanding customer service. I am extremely pleased with these in particular, and Bayou Bullets in general. Al on 12th Mar 2015